Rocksmith 2014 cord
Rocksmith 2014 cord



I think they've tried to cut down on audiovisual delay within the software but it's always going to be partly dependent on each individual setup. But yeah, I think Rocksmith could definitely be used to help learn. I imagine you could get this AND do a couple lessons with a regular human teacher as well, to make sure you're not obviously doing something stupid / making it hard for yourself. Probably check out some reviews if you want to know more, I really haven't gotten far enough in to give a definitive verdict but it seems pretty well put together if you're willing to put in the effort. That side of it can be quite a handy learning tool I think.


Of course it cannot really pick up on your technique as far as what you're doing with your hands, so that is a potential weakness vs having a human teacher, but it does have you go through passages, and gets you to repeat them if you screw up, dropping the tempo if necessary (or simplifying the notes), then gradually ramping back up to full speed / full notes until you get it right. They aren't all necessarily very in-depth but it does cover a broad range of stuff.

rocksmith 2014 cord

There is a whole stack of lessons in the game that really do start from scratch (ie, "how to hold your guitar") - they incorporate both instructional full-motion video that you just watch, and guitar hero-style interactive playing.

rocksmith 2014 cord

There's no shortcuts for just putting in the hours practicing, but that is probably true for any instrument / learning method.

rocksmith 2014 cord

As per my comment above, I've got RS2014 and I should use it more - but I think if you were dedicated, you could probably become a half-decent guitar player using this software.

Rocksmith 2014 cord